Thursday, June 11, 2009

Rotary 2009-10: District Membership Seminar

The District Membership Seminar for the Rotary year 2009-10 will be held on Sunday, 14th June 2009, from 9.00a.m. to 1.00p.m. at ExcelWorld, Colombo 10, followed with lunch. The Seminar is open to all Rotarians interested. Registration cost - Rs.1,000/-. Minimum 3 Rotarians per club are expected to register.
PURPOSE OF THE DISTRICT MEMBERSHIP SEMINAR: Rotary Int'l requires a growing and sustainable membership base in order to meet the increasing need for volunteer services throughout the world and to secure the future of each Rotary Club. The seminar will support Club & District efforts to sustain and increase their membership base.

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